Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Message Title: STRIVING FOR THE GOSPEL (Part 3)

Quote1: "Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead but he died again, so what is important in life?"

Quote2: "The greatest thing you can discover on earth is the wisdom of God to make the right decisions while you're here."

Quote3: "Don't settle for a Christianity that you cannot define for yourself. Get to know the Man behind it all. His name is Jesus."

Quote4: "There is a knowledge of God for the human spirit that far supersedes everything that a man could ever want on the face of the earth."

Quote5: "Your prayer for your life as an individual should be that God, by His Spirit, would guide you to always choose right, because the choices are available and there're many voices."

Quote6: "Get involved in the pastoral care system in this ministry because this is one of the ways that we work together for the faith of the Gospel."

Quote7: "Church is not necessarily the building but the whole system of the people, the system, the message, their activities, etc. The church goes in you because the message is in you."

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