Sunday, December 13, 2009


Quote1: "Words are things and have power. Send them out in the realm
of the spirit and then you can go to sleep; you'll see circumstances
changing to your advantage!"
Quote2: "We need to become conscious of the nation of God that's
functioning in the earth...You belong to a bigger nation than any
nation on the earth can be called."
Quote3: "Nobody called Abraham a king but he sure was a king...He
headed up nations but others were heading up states."
Quote4: "There's a magnetic power in a human mind that attracts
everything that's consistent with its thinking. Your mind attracts to
you all that it thinks about."
Quote5: "When I dream, I dream good things. Some are meaningless, some
are useful. I can dream of all kinds of things I talk about during the
day, but they're all nice and beautiful. I sleep like a baby and wake
up like a lion!"
Quote6: "You're not a sinner saved by grace..." (Huh? Does that upset
your theology?)
Quote7: "There's a difference between forgiveness, remission and
justification..." (You know how to find out what that difference is)
Words are things? Wow, I'm learning more and more by the day! Plus,
we're actually a nation here on earth. I can confirm also from
experience that your mind attracts to you the things you keep thinking
about and that it controls your 'dreamlife.' I'm not a sinner saved by
grace, are you? God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly

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