Saturday, December 12, 2009

Message Title: GOD'S GREATER BLESSINGS (Tape 3)

Quote1: "Those who know Jesus as Friend do not seek the help and
favour of human beings."
Quote2: "When you're not in friendship with Him, you have i problem praying."
Quote3: "We will network the world. It's not our plan; it's what God
has called us to do."
Quote4; "Iron your clothes all the time and dress right. You have a
message to share."
Quote5; "How can we switch from being human to being divine?..." (Find
out by ordering your own copy)
Quote6: "It's nonsense when things are spoilt around you! Prosperity
is not a replacement; it's an addition!"
Quote7: "When you begin a job anywhere, right from the day you enter
there's favour. Something about you causes that company to prosper."
Someone now has a favour-consciousness at work. We can look good for
Jesus and I'm a partner with Pastor Chris in networking the world! God
bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly

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