Sunday, November 29, 2009


Quote1: “Testifying is very important. People who don’t testify of their salvation quickly fizzle out and go back to the world.”

Quote2: “The testimony of your salvation strengthens your faith in your salvation. The power to retain a miracle is telling it.”

Quote3: “Your walk of faith and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life increases from one level of glory to another as you function with the Holy Spirit and as you fellowship with the Spirit of God.”

Quote4: “Every time you’re filled with the Spirit it’s easier for the Holy Ghost to teach you, pass His message to you and bring information to you and enlighten your spirit.”

Quote5: “When you’re filled with the Spirit everything connected to you is touched by the Holy Ghost.”

Quote6: “One opportunity from God can cover all the sufferings of the last ten years.”

Quote7: “The more you testify of your righteousness the more your righteousness consciousness will grow.”

You need to understand that there’re too many divine ideas that Pastor Chris communicates in his teachings that cannot be conveyed in short quotes; you have to listen to the message yourself. These quotes are limited to only 7 and picked at random so they don’t even summarize the message AT ALL. You need to order a copy of the full message for yourself. Please post your comments below to let us know what you think. God bless you!
Saint Andrew The Heavenly

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