Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Message Title: LIVING IN THE WORD OF GOD (3b)


Quote1: "God is not satisfied with just your firstfruit and your tithe (the firstfruit comes before the tithe). He wants to be Lord over your money."

Quote2: "When God knows He has the say over your money, He channels lots of money to you."

Quote3: "We're doing so many things around the world yet we don't get broke. Why? Because I do not pursue money. I have a mentality of supply. I don't think of the money getting to doesn't occur to me."

Quote4: "The way of prosperity is a choice. Don't let the mentality of poverty get ahold of you and don't let poor people hold you in bondage. There's so much abundance for us!"

Quote5: "The most wicked people on earth are poor people and that's one of the reasons God doesn't want you to be poor because you'd become wicked when you're poor... "

Quote6: "When you dwell on the humanity of a man of God...the anointing of the Spirit will not be of benefit to you...There's an anointing on the priest and the priest is the pastor in the new Testament setting..."

Quote7: "God has designed the prosperity of His children in a church. There's no reason why a Christian should be pick or poor when you have a priest."

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