Saturday, December 12, 2009

Message Title: MENDING THE NET (1)

Quote1: "When we reach out with the Word and preach, we're casting the net."
Quote2: "Sometimes the net breaks, but just as there are net casters,
there is a ministry for net menders."
Quote3: "The cell system is where we mend the net so the fish don't go back."
Quote4: "If we can't follow the Written Word, we will never follow the
Living Word (Jesus)."
Quote5: "Jesus didn't like rowdy meeting. His disciples were the
ushers in His meetings."
Quote6: "You must have a role in the House of God."
Quote7: "Now everyday is Sabbath, not just one day."
Are you a member of NMM? Well, your answer is yes if you are a
faithful labourer in the cell system of Christ Embassy. What is NMM?
Oh, I just made it up right now. It stands for Net Menders Ministry.
Of course that acronym ends here. But I'm glad I'm a net mender. Art
you? God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly

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