Sunday, December 13, 2009
Quote1: "Words are things and have power. Send them out in the realm
of the spirit and then you can go to sleep; you'll see circumstances
changing to your advantage!"
Quote2: "We need to become conscious of the nation of God that's
functioning in the earth...You belong to a bigger nation than any
nation on the earth can be called."
Quote3: "Nobody called Abraham a king but he sure was a king...He
headed up nations but others were heading up states."
Quote4: "There's a magnetic power in a human mind that attracts
everything that's consistent with its thinking. Your mind attracts to
you all that it thinks about."
Quote5: "When I dream, I dream good things. Some are meaningless, some
are useful. I can dream of all kinds of things I talk about during the
day, but they're all nice and beautiful. I sleep like a baby and wake
up like a lion!"
Quote6: "You're not a sinner saved by grace..." (Huh? Does that upset
your theology?)
Quote7: "There's a difference between forgiveness, remission and
justification..." (You know how to find out what that difference is)
Words are things? Wow, I'm learning more and more by the day! Plus,
we're actually a nation here on earth. I can confirm also from
experience that your mind attracts to you the things you keep thinking
about and that it controls your 'dreamlife.' I'm not a sinner saved by
grace, are you? God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Quote1: "Words are things and have power. Send them out in the realm
of the spirit and then you can go to sleep; you'll see circumstances
changing to your advantage!"
Quote2: "We need to become conscious of the nation of God that's
functioning in the earth...You belong to a bigger nation than any
nation on the earth can be called."
Quote3: "Nobody called Abraham a king but he sure was a king...He
headed up nations but others were heading up states."
Quote4: "There's a magnetic power in a human mind that attracts
everything that's consistent with its thinking. Your mind attracts to
you all that it thinks about."
Quote5: "When I dream, I dream good things. Some are meaningless, some
are useful. I can dream of all kinds of things I talk about during the
day, but they're all nice and beautiful. I sleep like a baby and wake
up like a lion!"
Quote6: "You're not a sinner saved by grace..." (Huh? Does that upset
your theology?)
Quote7: "There's a difference between forgiveness, remission and
justification..." (You know how to find out what that difference is)
Words are things? Wow, I'm learning more and more by the day! Plus,
we're actually a nation here on earth. I can confirm also from
experience that your mind attracts to you the things you keep thinking
about and that it controls your 'dreamlife.' I'm not a sinner saved by
grace, are you? God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Quote1: "I wonder why people wouldn't read the Bible. If you knew what
was inside you'd spend your life on it!"
Quote2: "The most wicked people in the world are religious people."
Quote3: "I want you to understand my sunesis in the mystery of Christ!"
Quote4: "A lot of people go to church every week but they don't find
the Word of God that can transport them to the next level in the
Spirit of God."
Quote5: "You can't carry sickness. Why? Because in you is working the
marpe of God!"
Quote6: "Why wasn't Jesus sick? He knew something others didn't know."
Quote7: "My mum taught me something several years ago..." (Find out
what by ordering for your own copy of the message)
Thank God for Christ Embassy! Everytime I go to church I find the true
Word of God that makes me bolder and transports me to the next level
in the Spirit of God. Halleluyah! And Pastor, I think I'm making
progress in understanding your sunesis in the mystery of Christ. I'm
working at it and it's the winning sunesis. Is somebody somewhere
working at it, too. Let's hear it at the comments section below. God
bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Quote1: "In the Old Testament there was no revelation of Satan. They
didn't know who he was."
Quote2: "Sometimes the presence of a single Christian in a family can
be the restraining force that stops evil in that family."
Quote3: "The more we worship the Lord, the further our spiritual
forcefield (as individuals) goes."
Quote4: "You need to know when God promotes you in the spirit, and be
careful what you say because it'll affect that forcefield."
Quote5: "I like making my life easy, that's why I like to take
advantage of technology."
Quote6: "Always recognise yourself as a worshipper. You can worship
without talking."
Quote7: "What do you do for your spirit to always easily make contact
with the flow of God's power?..." (Find out by ordering your own copy
of the message)
I really would like to know the answer to that question at Quote7. I'd
also love to know how I can worship God without talking. And how can I
know when God promotes me in the spirit? I also like to make my life
easy like Pastor Chris, that's why I bought my own copy of "THE
AUDACITY OF FAITH." God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Quote1: "The more we rely on technology the less thinking we do."
Quote2: "Wisdom is a quality of the human spirit. It's not in the
realm of reasoning."
Quote3: "If you'd stay in God's Word, you'd not be sick. If you let
the devil, he could kill you with just coughing!"
Quote4: "Neglecting the Scriptures means you're programming yourself
against success."
Quote5: "Read God's Word with your spirit. It's different from every
other book."
Quote6: "When you talk in tongues a lot but don't study the Word your
spirit would function in a dark environment."
Quote7: "The Jews are the only and oldest original people left in the world."
Now you know you won't let that 'little' headache stay one more
second! Lord, I will not neglect Your Word but I'll read it with my
spirit. We all need to do some spirit-exercising, and maybe you could
try that little math with your head first before grabbing the
calculator. God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Message Title: MENDING THE NET (1)
Quote1: "When we reach out with the Word and preach, we're casting the net."
Quote2: "Sometimes the net breaks, but just as there are net casters,
there is a ministry for net menders."
Quote3: "The cell system is where we mend the net so the fish don't go back."
Quote4: "If we can't follow the Written Word, we will never follow the
Living Word (Jesus)."
Quote5: "Jesus didn't like rowdy meeting. His disciples were the
ushers in His meetings."
Quote6: "You must have a role in the House of God."
Quote7: "Now everyday is Sabbath, not just one day."
Are you a member of NMM? Well, your answer is yes if you are a
faithful labourer in the cell system of Christ Embassy. What is NMM?
Oh, I just made it up right now. It stands for Net Menders Ministry.
Of course that acronym ends here. But I'm glad I'm a net mender. Art
you? God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Quote1: "When you're born again, Christ is you sophia, and that wisdom
is...the comprehensive wisdom of God in its entirety. Theoretical
wisdom, not practical..."(Find out more buy ordering your copy)
Quote2: "As you begin to study the Scriptures, you form an
understanding, called sunesis..."
Quote3: "When your reasoning becomes seasoned, it gives you phronesis,
a mindset..."
Quote4: "In 1981 God said to me,'I have given you wisdom like I gave
to Solomon.'"
Quote5: "God relates with you as His only child. Nobody is like you.
You are the only one God has, so be the best of you."
Quote6: "There's a prayer that only you can offer and God's waiting to hear it!"
Quote7: "When your spirit is drawn and pulled to God, that's the call
of the Spirit. If you were not called like Moses with a burning bush
it's because God knew you didn't need a burning bush."
Okay, we can see why Pastor Chris is so full of wisdom. Also, it's
good to know I'm not just a face in the crowd. God relates with very
specially and affectionately. I wasn't called with a burning bush,
were you? But I know in my spirit I was born for His glory. Because
I'm here, His Kingdom will prosper! God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Message Title: GOD'S GREATER BLESSINGS (Tape 3)
Quote1: "Those who know Jesus as Friend do not seek the help and
favour of human beings."
Quote2: "When you're not in friendship with Him, you have i problem praying."
Quote3: "We will network the world. It's not our plan; it's what God
has called us to do."
Quote4; "Iron your clothes all the time and dress right. You have a
message to share."
Quote5; "How can we switch from being human to being divine?..." (Find
out by ordering your own copy)
Quote6: "It's nonsense when things are spoilt around you! Prosperity
is not a replacement; it's an addition!"
Quote7: "When you begin a job anywhere, right from the day you enter
there's favour. Something about you causes that company to prosper."
Someone now has a favour-consciousness at work. We can look good for
Jesus and I'm a partner with Pastor Chris in networking the world! God
bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Quote1: "The Holy Spirit is in the air that we breathe...As long as
there's air anywhere in the world, He can get there and cause
Quote2: "The Holy Spirit is still hovering over the face of the
waters. He never stopped."
Quote3: "The final separation from the world is water baptism. When
you're baptized in water, Jesus knows He completely has you."
Quote4: "John the Baptist was a Levite but not a priest."
Quote5: "When you're baptized in water you'd be amazed at the release
of your spirit. It's spontaneous. The enemy can't lay claims on your
life again."
Quote6: "Some are broke god have a lot of problems in their lives
because they're not speaking in tongues."
Quote7: "You can't be broke when your angels are receiving
instructions all the time through tongues."
Well, do you feel like yelling in tongues now? I'm sure many of you
feel like getting baptized right away. Tell us what your baptism
experience was like below. God bless you.
Saint Andrew The Heavenly
Friday, December 11, 2009
God sent a man from HEAVEN
Born was he on December SEVEN
Happy birthday Pastor CHRIS
Who can find a gift like THIS?
When we do our blessings COUNT
Bold are you on every LIST
You have been a healing FOUNT
God bless you our teaching PRIEST
By the way, I was at the birthday party and boy, was it glamourous!
Okay, so maybe we should go straight to the "8 THINGS NO ONE IS
Did you notice Pastor Chris is a practically a professional singer?
Many people don't know he's a prolific songwriter and composer and
that he can play several musical instruments. His unique voice quality
and the strength of his vibrato are a garnishing ornament of his
ministry. Unlike other ministers, he leads the singing and the backup
singers accompany him, not the other way round. I've heard him
modulate neatly. No matter how high a note is, he'll sing it smoothly
and never gets stuck, even when the keys are not predetermined.(Even
professional singers sometimes get stuck).
Comedians can't make you laugh harder than Pastor Chris can. He'll
make you laugh stomach-deep! Talk about laughing in an anointed
environment! He can communicate deep and precious revelations
hilariously, but I've seen messages where he almost never smiled at
all; he was burning with grave seriousness all through and you could
feel the fire in your seat! It was almost scary.
Everyone knows they can't just buy his messages in audio format only
if they don't want to miss something. Pastor Chris preaches with every
part of his body in a way that's very deep. Maybe phronesis has
something to do with this.
Even very many well-educated preachers make little grammatical
blunders here and there, but not Pastor Chris. His English is always
Rev. Anita is so beautiful, Rev. Tom is so handsome, Rev. Ken, Rev.
Ray, Pastor Ambrose, Pastor Tom Obiazi. They're all just so handsome!
What is the explanation for this? You can make your comment below.
ESpecially when he's going to interpret, his tongues are so sweet to
listen to. You find yourself rewinding that part over and over. His
spiritual vocabulary is so extensive.
If you ever find anybody that can smile brighter than Pastor Chris, it
would fall into the BREAKING NEWS!!! category! Please quickly alert
us. LOL.
Why was he born on the 7th day of the 12th month? Now, 7 and 12 both
biblically symbolize perfection, wholeness and completeness. Huh?
Please leave your comments below.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Message Title: WORD AT WORK
Quote1: "The King's (God's) business goes on at my house. I'm His headquarters."
Quote2: " When we take a hold of the Word, we attract negative forces
before we ever repel them. When you receive the Word Satan comes
immediately for it..."
Quote3: "I don't like any dullness in my life."
Quote4: "God wants everything that concerns me working out well for me
and things going cool. Plan for that kind of life."
Quote5: "Your confessions are laws in the spirit."
Quote6: "Faith is laying hold of that which we do not see based on the Word."
Quote7: "Some people journey but never know when they arrive because
they never had a destination when they started out. Let God give you a
dream, a vision, a plan, so you'd know when you've arrived."
Message Title: LIVING IN THE WORD OF GOD (3b)
Quote1: "God is not satisfied with just your firstfruit and your tithe (the firstfruit comes before the tithe). He wants to be Lord over your money."
Quote2: "When God knows He has the say over your money, He channels lots of money to you."
Quote3: "We're doing so many things around the world yet we don't get broke. Why? Because I do not pursue money. I have a mentality of supply. I don't think of the money getting to doesn't occur to me."
Quote4: "The way of prosperity is a choice. Don't let the mentality of poverty get ahold of you and don't let poor people hold you in bondage. There's so much abundance for us!"
Quote5: "The most wicked people on earth are poor people and that's one of the reasons God doesn't want you to be poor because you'd become wicked when you're poor... "
Quote6: "When you dwell on the humanity of a man of God...the anointing of the Spirit will not be of benefit to you...There's an anointing on the priest and the priest is the pastor in the new Testament setting..."
Quote7: "God has designed the prosperity of His children in a church. There's no reason why a Christian should be pick or poor when you have a priest."
Message Title: STRIVING FOR THE GOSPEL (Part 3)
Quote2: "The greatest thing you can discover on earth is the wisdom of God to make the right decisions while you're here."
Quote3: "Don't settle for a Christianity that you cannot define for yourself. Get to know the Man behind it all. His name is Jesus."
Quote4: "There is a knowledge of God for the human spirit that far supersedes everything that a man could ever want on the face of the earth."
Quote5: "Your prayer for your life as an individual should be that God, by His Spirit, would guide you to always choose right, because the choices are available and there're many voices."
Quote6: "Get involved in the pastoral care system in this ministry because this is one of the ways that we work together for the faith of the Gospel."
Quote7: "Church is not necessarily the building but the whole system of the people, the system, the message, their activities, etc. The church goes in you because the message is in you."